Great Options For You to Lose Weight Naturally

For many people, the thought of using medication to lose weight is unappealing. If you are among this group, you will be happy to learn that a number of options to lose weight naturally exist. In this article, we wanted to show you some of these methods, which have proven quite successful for many individuals. In fact, some people believe it was easier to lose weight with natural options versus traditional medication.


One of the latest methods to lose weight naturally is with an herb that comes out of Africa by the name of Hoodia. In Africa, the bushmen travel for days, hunting and searching for food. During this time, they often battle with hunger. At some point, it was discovered that chewing on Hoodia, which comes from the Gordonii plant, provided temporary but satisfactory relief. It is estimated that Hoodia has been an appetite suppressant used in Africa for thousands of years.

As news of Hoodia spread, it soon became a popular weight loss option for people around the world. Today, the formulas available include capsules, liquid, and tablets, making it convenient, as well as effective. One of the best aspects of using Hoodia to lose weight naturally is that it has been tested by scientists who have determined it to be completely safe. To lose weight naturally, Hoodia works by releasing an active molecule in the body, thereby tricking the brain into believing it is not hungry. As a result, fewer calories are consumed and the weight comes off.


Through years of research, a number of compounds to include calcium, green tea, and chromium have been found to help a person lose weight naturally. With few, if any side effects and many additional benefits, these supplements have become a great choice in the battle to drop pounds. For the best results, it is recommended that 400 to 500 milligrams of calcium, 400 micrograms of chromium, and 250 to 500 milligrams of green tea be taken daily.

Green tea has also been given significant attention in recent years, showing positive results in losing weight, as well as added health benefits. Whether taken in supplement form or drank as cold or hot tea, the antioxidant catechins and caffeine help in boosting metabolism. Therefore, a person could add these three supplements to the daily regimen as a great way to lose weight naturally.

Stress Reduction

Interestingly, most people never connect stress with weight gain but there is a definite correlation. What happens is that when a person becomes stressed, the body's adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenaline, which is then stored as fat. In addition, stress plays a role in a person's metabolism, causing it to slow down. In this case, the hormone Leptin, which is responsible for telling the body it is no longer hungry, does not work properly, creating the sensation of hunger.

Using relaxation techniques to help fight stress will not only help produce a calming effect but also help you to lose weight naturally. Some of the best stress reduction options include yoga, meditation, massage therapy, deep breathing exercises, tai chi, and even a nice walk. In addition to being able to lose weight naturally, you also bring an overall sense of tranquility to your mind.

Appropriate Hydration

Instead of avoiding water, thinking it will cause weight gain, appropriate hydration is actually another excellent way to lose weight naturally. In most cases, a person should drink between six and eight glasses of water daily. Of course, if you live in a part of the world where it is hot or you exercise intensely, you would need to increase this up to 10 glasses per day.

Unfortunately, the value drinking water adds to losing weight is often underestimated. If you keep the body hydrated, you will feel less hungry, which means you eat less and therefore, cut calories that result in weight loss. This way to lose weight naturally also has health benefits to include better circulation, digestion, absorption, and even waste movement.

Keep in mind that these options to lose weight naturally are just a few of many that you might consider. Of course, if you have concerns or existing health issues then it is essential that you talk to your doctor first, choosing a means of losing weight best suited specifically for you.

Want to learn more about how to lose weight naturally? Get great weight loss tips from a professional fitness coach who has coached some of his clients toward losing weight using natural ways instead of exercises.


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